for Decentralized Wastewater Management
Table of Contents
Home Page
Faculty & Staff
Advanced Wastewater Treatment System O&M
Board Members
Training Center
Subsurface Drip Irrigation Design Guidelines
from TVA
Onsite Wastewater Association (TOWA)
Recent Activities
BsE 532 Onsite Domestic Wastewater
Treatment, Dispersal, and Reuse
Drip Irrigation Research
Drip Research Presentations
Onsite Wastewater Regulations
Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science
| |
Gravity Systems
The two conventional systems that are on display were designed for a
wastewater loading rate that is typical for a three bedroom home. Each
system is partially elevated to allow trainees to view all the components of
a properly installed system. During training sessions potable water,
which simulates wastewater, flows through each system.
Serial Distribution
Septic tank, field lines, & a soil trench box that
represents the ground level.
Soil trench box showing the trench bottom, rock aggregate, perforated drain
line, & soil cover. |
Relief line connecting two field lines.
Tee connection between a relief line and field line.
Parallel Distribution
Concrete distribution box & PVC drain lines that feed
the three trenches of the parallel system. |
Drain line exiting the septic tank &
entering the distribution box. |
Inside view of a distribution box.
Distal end of a field line. Notice the end cap.
Tour the Displays
Conventional Gravity Systems
Low Pressure Pipe (LPP)
Drip Dispersal
Grand Opening Pictures
NOWRA Field Trip |