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The University of Tennessee University of Tennessee UT Institute of Agriculture

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Mission Statement

The Center for Decentralized Wastewater Management (CDWM) will improve public and environmental health in Tennessee and the Southeastern United States by education and training onsite wastewater professionals, consumers, and decision makers and by advancing the science of decentralized wastewater technology through targeted research and demonstration.

Program Description

The CDWM is a research and outreach program of The University of Tennessee's Institute of Agriculture. The CDWM strives to support the decentralized wastewater management industry by advancing the science and engineering through applied research and educational programming. The two vital components of CDWM is a staffed research laboratory and a premier onsite wastewater training center. The research staff and laboratory is located on the university's agricultural campus in the Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science department. The training center is located on the Middle Tennessee Research and Education Center near Spring Hill, Tennessee. The CDWM has been made possible by equipment donations from the Tennessee Onsite Wastewater Association, and by the financial support of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Ground Water Protection, and the Department of Agricultural Non Source Program in cooperation with the U.S. EPA, Assistance Agreement #C9994674-02-0.

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Ag & the Environment
Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science
Farm Structures
RUSLE2 Software
Soil/Plant/Pest Center
TN Onsite Wastewater Assn
Weather data

Center for Decentralized Wastewater Management
2506 E.J. Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4531
(865) 974-7266

(865) 974-4514 (fax)